Our landmark report on Sponge Cities, authored by Foundation deputy director Kali Mercier has won major recognition from the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects, taking out the Research and Communications category at their annual awards ceremony last week.
From the judges:
“[the report] gives clear recommendations to support implementation of sponge cities and seeks to ensure that mātauranga and tikanga Māori is at the forefront of thinking.
The report seeks to offer an approach that aims to protect, enhance and sustainably manage water resources in urban environments, by slowing the passage of storm water – It involves cities working with water rather than against it.
This project is outstanding in meeting the criteria for sustainability to allow for future climate adaptation and increase the community’s resilience to climate change, and tangata whenua collaboration on design responses.”
Congratulations to Kali for leading the development of this report and to those who contributed, including Campbell Gardiner, Liam Foster, James Reddish, James Douglas, Vivienne Ivory, Reginald Profitt and Heather Wilkins.