This was a public webinar. You can watch a recording below, or listen to it in podcast form here.
Despite almost 55 years of prohibition, cannabis is still New Zealand’s most widely used illicit drug. We held a webinar co-hosted on 8 July with the NZ Drug Foundation covering the health, social, and criminal justice impacts of legalisation. We also released new poll results, and looked at the impact of cannabis in New Zealand and overseas.
Our panellists were:
- Rt Hon Helen Clark, Patron of the Helen Clark Foundation, and Commissioner at the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
- Steve Rolles, Senior Policy Analyst, Transform Drug Policy Foundation, United Kingdom
- Dr Hinemoa Elder, Youth forensic psychiatrist and member of the Māori Advisory Committee of the Centre for Brain Research
Read moreMedia Coverage
NZ Herald: Cannabis referendum: Marijuana not so bad for you, won't turn your hair green
(July 2020)
Newshub: Cannabis referendum: How legal regulation of cannabis can benefit New Zealand
(July 2020)